Power of Breath Workshop Includes:
- Traditional information on Pranayama.
- Techniques, precautions and benefits of practices.
- The connection between mind, breaths and physiological functions.
- The Therapeutic effect of breathing practices.
- Purpose of breath control and effect on body and mind (Traditional information)
- Physiology of 3 stages of breathing practices (Inhalation, holding breath and exhalation)
- Functions of carbon dioxide in human physiology
- Pranayama and longevity.
- Causes of tissue hypoxia and diseases.
- How to improve tissue oxygenation.
- How pranayama helps to combat the physiological and psychological conditions of the body
- Practical sessions of Two important pranayama 1. Anuloma viloma. 2. Ujjai
- Question and answer session.
Course Date, Location and Price
- Date: Due to covid we are unable to fly in Dr. Venky from India, we will announce new dates asap
- Time: 8.30-13.00
- Location: Prana Casa
- Price: 100€
Limited Places
We only have limited places for this course in order to offer an individual approach and more value to our students. Therefore, we recommend that you show your interest as much in advance as possible to avoid disappointment.